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Miguel Delapaz - Assistant Coach

Miguel Delapaz - Assistant Coach photo Miguel Delapaz - Assistant Coach
  • Black Belt

Miguel was born in Connecticut but grew up in Maine.  Growing up he played baseball and football, and then started training in Kempo when he was 14 years old.  He trained and competed in Taekwondo in college, and then started doing kickboxing and catch wrestling after college.  Miguel started doing nogi submission grappling in 2006 and believes that the first time he put his jiu jitsu gi on was in 2009.  He earned his black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in 2022. 

Miguel has a BS in Computer Science from Ithaca College and an MS in Computer Science from Portland State.  He is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM.  Miguel teaches Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals and helps cover other jiu jitsu classes when other instructors are out.