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Charlie Voss (they/she) - Assistant Kids Jiu Jitsu Coach

Charlie Voss (they/she) - Assistant Kids Jiu Jitsu Coach photo Charlie Voss (they/she) - Assistant Kids Jiu Jitsu Coach
  • Purple Belt

Charlie was born in Honolulu, Hawai'i but has been in Oregon since the 7th grade, spending half their life in Oahu and the other half in Portland. Growing up, Charlie played basketball and lacrosse.  They first started training jiu jitsu in 2019 at Cairo Terra Academy in San Jose. After moving back to Portland, in 2021 Charlie started training at UJJ.  Charlie regularly competes and has won multiple gold medals at local tournaments and has started competing in the biggest BJJ tournaments including IBJJF World Championships.

Charlie believes in giving children autonomy and a sense of community. In teaching kids jiu jitsu classes, they encourage kids to ask questions, demonstrate technique for the class, as well as to be kind to themselves and their teammates. Charlie tries to model gender inclusive language and develop relationships with each student so they feel like a valued member of the team, which is something that is special about Unicorn Jiu Jitsu. They feel that it's important to feel like you're winning beyond the mats and matches.  Charlies believes that fun, consistency, and repetition are key components to growing more confident in jiu jitsu. 

Charlie attended PSU and graduated with a degree in Anthropology and Gender Studies. Outside of the gym, Charlie works with the houseless population to get them into permanent housing and also takes care of her pitbull Lola.